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Home: Welcome



My name is Nabweteme Maria, I am a Ugandan aged 27 years old. I live with my big family including several siblings, mother, aunt, uncle and cousin in Kampala - Luzira, Kisenyi zone 1. 

Since my early childhood, I remember my parents struggling for daily survival, while they were getting more and more into drinking until they finally divorced. Growing up meant for me, grabbing any job and working hard to make a little money for food. My whole focus was always on survival to help my mother with food, water to drink, health care and other necessities. Even though my grandmother would toil to provide for us doing meager jobs like selling fish etc., there was never enough!

When the COVID 19 pandemic hit our area with lock downs, my mother went bankrupt with her little hair salon and shortly after, my grandmother died in hospital from COVID 19. Since then, our situation got worse. I am until now the only one making some money on a regular basis while everybody else is without income. 

Sometimes I recall the times when we spent whole days in a little garden nearby, where we always found something to eat. These were happy days, until a business man purchased the land and we were not allowed anymore to use it. 

After I was forced to take up the responsibility and provide for the whole family, working long hours in several jobs, my health started deteriorating. The feeling of losing hope and existential fears were weakening me increasingly, causing several health issues including ulcers and depression. 

The little building, my grandmother had left behind for us as a family to live was seized by one of our aunts who lives nearby. Compared to us, she is quite wealthy but provides nothing for us. Instead, she bullies us and keeps us in fear.  In several occasions she has thrown me out of the house. But most times I have vehemently refused to leave because I have nowhere else to stay with my siblings. I feel her pressure being way too much on my head but have to stay strong for my siblings and the rest of the family. 

A few months ago, the house collapsed as well due to heavy rains making the situation even harder because for quite some time we had nowhere to stay.

My community and neighbors, just like us suffer from so much pollution, we live unhealthy, are exposed to so many diseases and everyone tries as much had to make ends meet some collecting plastics and wastes, making door mats among others have negatively been forced into acts like drinking, prostitution among others. Since its a ghetto all hope is gone.

My dream and duty is to care for my family! I want to see the young lads and the little siblings go to school. I don’t want them to struggle like I do! I want them to survive and to be happy. I want all my family including myself to live a decent life without poverty and hunger! This burning desire gave me the will power to study on both government and a friend’s sponsorship during the last 6 years international business at Makerere University in Kampala while working several jobs at the same time. Three years ago, I received my Bachelor’s degree and end of 2022 I will receive my Master’s degree. This will enable me to work on international business relationships in favor of my home country and our people. In doing so, I will hopefully earn enough money to support my family directly!

One of my goals is also to start a non-profit organization that invests amongst others into land where Ugandan families can live on good soil with good water and clean air and grow their own healthy food. At the same time, they will be educated about a healthy lifestyle including proper nutrition and responsible use of medication while learning about alternative and natural healing methods. 

I will be very grateful for your support. Be it money, your experiences with such projects including sources of information and connections to other people and projects.


Home: About


Change for the Better

Through our mental health program, we have the potential to make real and positive change. This is one of the key areas for this initiative. Mental health is one of the things that influences one’s growth and the way they relate with others in society. My dream is for the young generation to grow up seeing the positive side of life and when faced with difficult situations, they are able to solve them mindfully. 



Transforming Lives from pollution to healthy living

We see every challenge as an opportunity, for example to control pollution, everyone is involved in collecting plastics and wastes which we sell to raise some money for food. However, we lack protective gears as we collect these wastes with our hands. A picture below shows Ms Amina, an eighty year old who collects plastics to feed her family of seven people. Amina like all of us lives unhealthy and needs help through donations. 

Amina, her grandchildren and friends_edited.png


Empowering Others

Help African Families’ goal is to start a non profit organisation  and help the whole community at large to achieve survival. A lot of young people and single mothers in my ghetto community and out there are struggling each day to survive which has exposed many into dangerous practices like prostitution to survive. For this reason, my community has many young mothers and children struggling with diseases some curable and others non curable. The goal is to end these vices, save lives and ensure self sustainability.



Making Change Possible

Feeling like there are countless pressing issues, our local Empowerment initiative will prove to be a powerful tool for Help African  Families to successfully serve the community and improve countless lives. Many families in my area comprised of single mothers and their children are involved in collecting plastics to make a living. They have dreams of seeing their children study and living decent lives in the future. However most of their children are unable to go to school because of lack of school fees. With your donations, their children will be able to attain better education and their mother’s dreams will be fulfilled. 

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Embracing Art

During holidays, my siblings and some children in the community gather to make floor mats. These floor mats are made from old sacks and wool.  From the little sales, we have been able to raise some school fees for the little ones. However we lack materials to make floor mats with your support through donations we will make more floor mats equipping the children with life skills and also raise money for food and fees. In country like ours were there are less jobs due to an ever increasing population having these skills now and in the future helps one live a decent life as they are able to create jobs for themselves. 

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Please send your financial contributions  through:

World Remit which is the quickest and easiest way of transferring your donations. 

All you need to do is to sign up for a World Remit account online if you don’t have one. To transfer your donation you can either send through bank, directly on the phone or through a cash pick up. 

If your sending money to the phone;

1. Select send money not airtime both are two different things 

 2. Select Airtel as the mobile operator, 

3. You’ll be asked to enter the Phone number which is:  +256706050399

4. Country of destination of funds: Uganda, 

4. Receiver Names: Nabweteme Maria. 

5. Amount being sent 

That is all you’ll need to enter and if you select through bank below are the bank details you’ll need to enter. If it is a cash pick up, you only need details of my name, and country.

World Remit is the quickest and safest way to send and receive donations.


Send directly through bank transfer

on my account with these details



ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3200618493






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